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Volunteer Locally

“By working together ,we can improve the lives of people with disabilities”

Blanchardstown Centre for Independent Living have launched a matching service to link people with disabilities and volunteers in order to reduce isolation and to ensure people with disabilities can take a more active part in mainstream activities.

The Volunteers will be given some training in Disability Awareness and will be Garda Vetted. The People with disabilities will be asked what type of activities they wish to take part in, what their hobbies and interests are, what times suit them best and how often they will link in with the volunteer.

BCIL will make the introductions once the process is complete and the volunteer and person with a disability will make their own arrangements. The team at Blanchardstown CIL will liaise with both people to ensure the connection is working satisfactorily for everyone concerned and will help to iron out any challenges along the way.

The volunteer is expected to be available for 2 hours per week. The activities are at the discretion of the person with a disability, but we will try to match people based on commonalities in interests.

Interested in Volunteering?

Anyone interested in the Service either as a volunteer or a person with a disability – Please contact Blanchardstown Centre for Independent Living on 01-8270609 or email volunteer@bcil.ie

“The heart of a volunteer is never measured in size, but by the depth of commitment to make a difference in the lives of others” – DeAnn Hollis

What does it mean to be a volunteer?

Did you know that the volunteering experience is motivating, offers multiple development possibilities and helps to give your time meaning and purpose? If you are here, it means you are closer to join a new adventure to support people with disabilities to live more independently and to offer them a smile.

What is volunteering? We say more than giving your time, energy and knowledge to someone who needs that support. If you make the decision to make become a volunteer, it means that you want to become a role model for those around you.

Social inclusion through volunteering

One of the most important areas of volunteering is social inclusion, because through volunteering reduce social exclusion and supports interpersonal interactions, develop your social and communication skills. Volunteering promotes cooperation, sharing with others and expand social networks.

Why Volunteer?

People choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons. For some people volunteering offers a chance to give something back to the community or make a difference to the people around them. For others, it provides an opportunity to develop new skills or build on existing experience and knowledge.

You can volunteer as much or as little time as you like. Sometimes it depends on how much time you can give.